Programs and Activities

As per MHRD guidelines of 1989, 1992, 2002, 2012, Justice Verma report and NEP2020 each and every DIET have to perform some specific activities in the field of teacher education. In the light of above guidelines and requirements of our state and district Kapurthala, this DIET follows these  programme and activities.

(A) Pre-Service Programme :-

Teacher education refers to the policies and procedures designed to equip prospective teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school and wider community, Initial teacher training/education or the pre-service course prepares a person before entering the classroom as a fully responsible teacher, Pre-service teacher education is the education and training provided to student teachers before they have undertaken any teaching. It is the most important phase of a teacher’s education. Two year Pre service Diploma programme is one of the most important programmes undertaken by the D.LET.

(B) Research & action research:-

Action research is a research initiated to solve an immediate problem or a reflective process of progressive problem-solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a “community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve problems. Practitioners who engage in action research inevitably find it to be an empowering experience. Action research has this positive effect for many reasons. Obviously, the most important is that action research is always relevant to the participants. Relevance is guaranteed because the focus of each research project is determined by the researchers, who are also the primary consumers of the findings, Perhaps even more important is the fact that action research helps educators be more effective at what they care most about their teaching and the development of their students. Keeping in view the above mentioned importance of action research programmes for teachers and the limited resources of the DIET, we have initiated collaborative action research projects since 2010-11. Every your we organize action research workshop-cum-seminars where teachers under the guidance of our research faculty prepare collaborative action research proposals and go to their respective schools for the implementation. They then prepare action research reports and submit them. Our long term objective is to train each and every elementary teacher in action research so that they will be able to apply these action research strategies in their day to day tracking.

(C) Resource Centre and Documentation:

We are developing our DIET. as a resource centre for the elementary teachers. So we give stress on the documentation in different forms. For us documentation means the process of documenting knowledge, as in scientific articles, and also the process of providing evidence in the form of printed research reports and research abstracts. So we plan to publish the outcomes of the research projects undertaken by the DIET and also to hold orientation programme for the teachers in order to share the research work with them.

(D) Training Programme for Teachers, BRC, DRC etc –

it is well known fact that teaching is not everyone cup of tea. From time to time there is change in the educational policies and also new innovation is coming in the field of education and teaching learning process. In the last few years many new documents like NCF 2005, ATE 2009, NOFTE 2009, concept of CCE, NEP 2020, action research, Pedagogy based training have come to arena. To make aware the in-service teacher regarding above policies and documents, an effective and need based in-service teacher training programmes are conducted.

(E) Programmes conducted for faculty of DIET –

Our DIET faculty conduct various training programmes for the elementary teachers. But as is the saying that educators should themselves be educated, development of our own faculty is very crucial for the successful implementation of various programmes in the DIET. We plan to visit DIET’s in the state and outside the state to get first hand information about the new teaching strategies and methodology, new activities and programmes which are being followed there in accordance with the new curriculum. Another important objective of these visits is to obtain maximum resource material for the benefit of our faculty and the students

(F) Technology in teacher education:-

Today is the age of technology and teacher without the mastery of effective use of technology in teaching learning process is of no use for society and country

1. The DIET faculty is able to use computer internet and other technology in the teaching learning process.

2. The future teachers are trained in the use of technology in teaching learning process and digital learning

3. The effective use of ICT is made in teacher education.

(G) Innovation

Innovation is the application of better solutions that meet new requirements of the schools. The term innovation can be defined as something original and new that breaks into the schools system. We encourage our faculty and the elementary teachers of district Kapurthala to innovate in the field of education by devising new ideas, new educational techniques and technology and new kind of teaching learning material

(H) Content & Material Development

One of the main functions of the DIET’s is the resource development for Pre-service Pupil trainers and the in-service teachers. We publish  our annual magazine for which our faculty members as well as pupil teachers  contribute. Content and material on educational and other issues are produced for the benefit of our students. Similarly, we  publish newsletters and abstracts of action research reports so that in- service teachers may apply these to solve their own problems in teaching.

(I) On Site Support,

DIET.(Sheikhupur) is the nodal academic agency for elementary teachers in Distt. Kapurthala. We provide all kind of support to the teachers. Elementary teachers of the Distt. visit our institution for the proper guidance in the field of education. But the best way to support teachers academically, and otherwise, is to provide them on site support. By visiting various elementary schools, our faculty also have the opportunity to acquire first hand field experience and be more familiar with actual problems and school environments.